Free lunches are served at St James Anglican Fellowship every week day from 11:00am to 12:30pm.   You can join us for lunch by entering the church at the south east door.  A bag lunch for Saturday is also available on Friday at lunch.


Sadly, the Salvation Army, was forced to stop operations in Trenton in July 2020.  They provided many needed services to the community, and they are missed.  

When the Salvation Army ceased operations At the Crossroads Church on Dundas St and St James Anglican Fellowship on South St stepped up to provide lunches the very next week under the name of "Catherine's Kitchen", a name chosen to recognize Catherine Booth of Salvation Army fame who did so much to help those in need.

Lunches were served 4 days a week with St James and At the Crossroads working co-operatively to make sure this need was meet.  In the beginning lunches were served at the Crossroads Church on Monday and Tuesday, and at St James on Wednesday and Thursday. When we expanded to 5 days a week St James provided lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday weekly. At one point the Dundas St location was serving lunches from Monday to Thursdays, and the South St location was serving lunches on Thursday and Friday with a bag lunch option available on Friday for use over the weekend.

To make administration of the programs at the two locations more stream-lined, and make it easier to keep track of the two locations, we separated the two locations and renamed the St James part of the program "St James Community Kitchen".

Starting in January 2024 "Catherines Kitchen" has moved its operations to St James, to provide once again a single location for the free lunch programs, as was the case before the Salvation Army was forced to close its doors.  The Catherines Kitchen staff provides the lunches on Monday to Wednesday, and the St James Community Kitchen staff provide the lunches on Thursday and Friday and the weekend bag lunches.

Nutritious hot lunches are available for men, women and families every week day at 15 South Street in Trenton, with a hand out on Fridays of a bag lunch for use on the weekend.

If you would like to know even more or get involved talk to Rev Steve.  We would love to have you help us in this ministry! 

If you would like to donate to this cause, you can do that by using any of the ways you can donate to St James, identifying that your wishes are to give to the Lunch program, and 100% of your gift will go to suporting St James Community Kitchen.  Tax receipts are provided.